26074 Avenue Hall Unit 6, Santa Clarita, CA 91355 661-430-6767 



Did you know?

MicroSnoTM Economical CO2 Composite Spray Cleaning System by CleanLogix is upgradeable – adapts as a module to PowerSnoTM Universal Spray Treatment and PurCO2 Recharger Systems to Provide Vector ProTM Spray Performance Enhancements.

Clean manufacturing, reimagined

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MicroSno™ Tech Spec

The MicroSno™ CO2 Composite Spray™ Cleaning System by CleanLogix is an economical precision cleaning solution for benchtop parts cleaning applications. 

- Alternative to Conventional “CO2 Snow” Guns  

- Useful for Basic Surface Cleaning Contamination Challenges - Surface Particles, Ionics, Thin Films, and Nonvolatile Residues (NVR)